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Sileo Gel Syringe


Starting at $32.49


$32.49 Each

Detailed Description

Sileo Gel Syringe

Dexmedetomidine, Transmucosal
Description: Treatment of noise aversion in dogs
OtherNames forthis Medication: Sileo®
Common Dosage Forms: Veterinary: 0.09 mg/mL in 3-mL dosing syringes. Human: None.

How is this medication useful?
The FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) has approved this medicine for use in dogs to treatfears and anxieties related to loud noises (ie, noise aversion). The FDA allows veterinarians to prescribe and use products containing this drug in different species or for other conditions in certain situations. You and your veterinarian can discuss why this drug is the most appropriate choice.

What should I tell my veterinarian to see ifthis medication can be safely given?
Many things might affect how well this drug will work in your animal. Be sure to discuss the following with your veterinarian so together you can make the besttreatment decisions.

Other drugs can interact with this medication, so be sure to tell your veterinarian and pharmacist what medications (including vitamins, supplements, or herbal therapies) you give your animal, including the amount and time you give each.

Tell your veterinarian about any conditions or diseases your animal may have now or has had in the past.
If your animal has been treated for the same disease or condition in the past, tell your veterinarian about the treatment and how well it did or didn’t work.

If your animal is pregnant or nursing, talk to your veterinarian aboutthe risks of using this drug.
Tell your veterinarian and pharmacist about any medication side effects (including allergic reactions, lack of appetite, diarrhea, itching, hair loss) your animal has developed in the past.

How long until I will know ifthis medication is working, and how long will the effects ofthis medication last?
This medication should help your animal feel better within 30 to 60 minutes. Your animal’s clinical signs should improve after that time.
The effects of this medication are short-lived, meaning they will stop working within 24 hours, although the benefits may be prolonged if your animal has decreased kidney and/or liver function.

This drug SHOULD NOT be used in:
Dogs that are allergic to dexmedetomidine
Dogs with severe heart, lung, liver, or kidney problems
Dogs that are severely debilitated
Dogs that are stressed due to extreme heat or cold
Dogs that are pregnant, used for breeding, or are lactating
Dogs that are sedated from a previously given dose of this medicine
This drug should be used WITH CAUTION in:
Dogs that are younger than 16 weeks of age (dogs)
Old, weak, or debilitated animals
Animals with dental or gingival problems
That are taking other medications that may depress the nervous system
If your animal has any of these conditions, talk to your veterinarian aboutthe potential risks versus benefits

What are the side effects ofthis medication?
Side effects that usually are not serious include:
Vomiting, diarrhea
Drowsiness, sedation, low energy level
Pale gums
Slow heartrate and decreased breathing rate
If any of these signs are severe, worsen, or continue to be a problem, contact your veterinarian.
Side effects that may be serious orindicate a serious problem:
Inability to wake your animal
Persistent vomiting or diarrhea

If you see any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What should I do if I miss giving a dose ofthis medication?
If you miss a dose, give it when you remember and then waitthe amount of time between doses recommended by your veterinarian
before the next dose. Do not double-up or give extra doses. Always wait atleast 2 hours between doses.
How should I store this medication?
Store this medication in the original prescription container atroom temperature (68°F-77°F) and protected from light.
After opening a syringe, the entire contents should be used within 4 weeks. Dispose unused portion.

If your veterinarian or pharmacist has prepared (compounded) a special formulation for your animal, follow the storage
recommendations and expiration date for the product.
Keep away from children and other animals.
Can handling this medication be hazardous to me, my family, or other animals?

The SILEO® productlabel states:
Notfor human use. Keep out of reach of children.
Avoid administering productif pregnant due to risk of adverse effects to the fetus.
Impermeable disposable gloves should be worn when administering the medication and handling the syringe to prevent absorption through the skin.

How should I dispose ofthis medication ifI don’t use it all?
Do notflush this medication down the toilet or wash it down the sink. If a community drug “take-back” program is available, use this option. If there is no take-back program, mix the drug with coffee grounds or catlitter (to make it undesirable to children and animals and unrecognizable to people who might go through your trash), place the mixture in a sealable plastic bag to keep it from leaking out and throw the bag out with the regular trash.
Do not save leftover medication for future use or give itto others to use

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