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K-Bro Vet Oral Solution
PRN Pharmaceuticals
Starting at $69.89
$69.89 Each
Detailed Description
Bromides: Potassium Bromide/Sodium Bromide
Description: Anticonvulsant
Other Names for this Medication: KBr, K-BroVet®
Common Dosage Forms: Veterinary: 250 mg & 500 mg Potassium Bromide chewable tablets (also contains vitamin B12); 250 mg/mL
Potassium Bromide oral liquid (also contains vitamins B6 & B12). Human: None. Compounded dosage forms may be available.
How is this medication useful? Bromides (potassium or sodium) are used to treat dogs with seizure disorders (eg, epilepsy). This drug is rarely used in cats with seizure disorders due to side effects from the drug. You and your veterinarian can discuss why this drug is the most appropriate choice.
Common, but not serious side effects include: Dogs: Bromides can cause drowsiness for up to 3 weeks after starting the drug. Most dogs will eventually get used to this and not be drowsy with continuing therapy. Vomiting or reduced appetite due to gastrointestinal tractirritation. Giving with food may decrease this effect. Attention seeking, irritability, or aimless pacing. Constipation. Greater hunger, thirst, and need to urinate. You don’t have to be overly concerned if you see any of these signs unless they are severe, worsen, or continue to be a problem. Contact your veterinarian if this happens.
If you have any other questions about this medication, contact your veterinarian or pharmacist.
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